Educational Sessions


Board Governance Professional Development: Fundamentals of Pooling

In this, the first of four modules on Board Governance, attendees will learn 3 core concepts: Foundation and the Evolution of Pooling where we shall discuss pooling versus private insurance, history and benefits of risk pooling and risk competencies, lessons learned and pitfalls to avoid. Next, we will dive into Pool Resources to equip the attendees with knowledge on obtaining accreditation, the PR Toolkit and the various networking associations and how to connect. The last concept will be on the Legal Aspects, taking a deeper dive into the legal requirements for pool and board members, legislative and regulatory concerns over pooling.

At the completion of this session, the attendee will:

  • Understand the basics of pooling and why pools exist.
  • Know how to network and benefit from resources available to pools.
  • Recognize the legalities and effectiveness associated with pooling.
  • Walk away with an acronym glossary of terms.

Speakers: TBD

Moderator: Dr. Karla M. Rhay, CEO, CSJPA,

Areas of Interest: JPA Board, Pool Manager, General Interest

Board Governance Professional Development: Fundamentals of Governance

In this, the second of four modules on Board Governance, attendees will learn 5 key concepts: 1) organizational structure and core leadership and Board relationships; 2) the Board’s role in member relations and recruitment; 3) planning dynamic committee and board meetings that result in deliberative decision making that benefit the pool, development of a board member and their roles versus staff; 4) how to address board and CEO succession planning; and lastly, everything that there is to know about your pools governing documents.

At the completion of this session, the attendee will:

  • Understand the structure of pools, roles and responsibilities of the board versus staff
  • Develop appropriate Board relationships that lead to win-win partnerships
  • Walk away with keys to member retention and recruitment
  • Use deliberative decision making that leads to effective meetings
  • Understand how and which governing documents you need to have in place to ensure the success of your pool


  • Jon Shull, Chief Executive Officer, California Joint Powers Insurance Authority
  • Linda de la Torre, Assistant Superintendent, San Marino USD

Moderator: Robin Johnson, Attorney, Law Office of Robin Johnson

Areas of Interest: JPA Board, Pool Manager, General Interest

Board Governance Professional Development: Pool Finance

In this, the third of four modules on Board Governance, attendees will discuss 3 key concepts:

1) Fiduciary roles and responsibilities, including fiscal stability, budgeting for pool operations and strategic objectives, establishing a target equity policy, and settlement authority and claims oversight;

2) Pool finances, reviewing various financial reports, establishing a policy for pool investments, and the purpose of financial audits; and

3) Actuarial studies, purpose and use of the information in decision-making, including deciding on confidence levels, setting rates and funding pool claim liabilities.

At the completion of this session, attendees will be able to address what each Board member needs to know:

  • Understanding and performing fiduciary roles and responsibilities
  • Identify key concepts related to pool financial reports, investments, audits, and actuarial reports
  • Gleam additional knowledge from an interactive roundtable discussion


  • Marcus Beverly, First Vice President, Alliant Insurance Services (confirmed)
  • Nancy Broadhurst, ARM, Director Accounting and Finance, Bickmore (confirmation pending)

Moderator: Janet Selby, Janet Selby, MA, ARM, Executive Director, North Bay Schools Insurance Authority

Interest Area: JPA Board, Pool Manager, Finance Manager

Board Governance Professional Development: Risk Sharing and Management

In this, the fourth of four modules on Board Governance, attendees will discuss three major areas surrounding risk sharing and management:

1) Risk retention and transfer, a high-level look, touching on coverage documents, risk tolerance, and understanding deductibles, self-insured retention, excess and reinsurance;

2) Risk sharing, discussing the importance of accountability among members, and investment of pool capital into loss prevention; and

3) Pool programs and services, examples of proactive and innovative programs in workers’ comp, property/liability, and health benefits that are designed to prevent losses and control costs, as well as analyzing loss data to measure program outcomes.

At the completion of this session, attendees will be able to address what a Board member needs to know on each of the topics below:

  • Member accountability for risk management in a risk sharing pool.
  • Benefits of investing/reinvesting capital into programs.
  • Incorporating innovation and proactive practices into today’s pool environment.
  • Broad range of programs and services, including success stories and methods for analyzing return.
  • Gleam additional knowledge from an interactive roundtable discussion


  • Suzanne Dillman, Member Services Manager, North Bay Schools Insurance Authority (confirmed)
  • Ellen Alcala, Manager of Employee Benefits, California Schools Employee Benefits Association (confirmation pending)

    Risk Manager

  • Rick Brush, Chief Member Services Officer, CSAC EIA

Moderator: Janet Selby, MA, ARM, Executive Director, North Bay Schools Insurance Authority

Interest Area: JPA Board, Pool Manager, Chief Operations Officer, Risk Manager

Spreadsheets and Data Integrity: An Alert for Board Members

Spreadsheets are essential to pool management and board governance but they are prone to errors and they can multiply like rabbits. Which is the correct version, has there been an inadvertent change in a formula? We will explore the challenges of spreadsheets, the data integrity issues for pools and their boards, how to lower the risk of bad data and take advantage of emerging technology on claims analytics.

At the completion of this session, the attendee will:

  • Understand spreadsheet challenges for the management team.
  • Learn about data integrity, security and the cloud.
  • Hear about claims analytics tools that can become available to pools.


  • Stan Smith, Gradient AI Practice Leader, Milliman
  • Michele Reager, Director of Underwriting, Workers Compensation, BETA Healthcare Group
  • Rick Krepelka, Chief Operations Officer, Golden State Risk Management

Moderator: Joe Burgess, Board Member, CHSI Technologies

Areas of Interest: Finance and Technology, JPA Board, Pool Manager

Liability Programs in Crisis

Pools that operate self-funded liability programs are beginning to show signs of financial stress much like self-funded WC programs did 15 years ago. This session will examine some of the root causes for the brewing crisis including claim trends, funding decisions, and risk financing structure. We will also review best practices your pool can follow to help avoid this crisis.

At the completion of this session, the attendee will:

  • Learn the typical reasons why liability programs are facing funding deficits.
  • See how their decisions in setting rates, holding capital, and structuring their program (insure or self-insure) will lead to the success or failure of their pool.
  • Learn the most common risk financing mistakes and the best practices that will help pools avoid these mistakes.


  • James Marta, CPA, CGMA, ARPM, Managing Partner, James Marta & Company, LLC
  • Mike Fleming, CEO, CSAC Excess Insurance Authority
  • Greg Trout, Managing Director, Bickmore

Moderator: TBD


The Evolution of Total Well-being in the Workplace

For this session, we have brought together thought-provoking panelists that will address how to take the stigma out of getting help when mental health care is needed, how to support a healthier environment in areas of nutrition, and what it means to encourage and promote physical health in the workplace. In our panel, the responsibility as leaders, parents, and community members, is to assist others. Through this panel we can walk away with new tips.

At the completion of this session, the attendee will:

  • Understand the components of total well-being.
  • Understand how these three components interact in our daily lives.
  • Learn specific things that you can do daily to effect positive change in your personal well-being.


  • Henry Garcia, PT, DPT, OCS, Assistant Professor, Loma Linda Medical University
  • Ashley Zucker, M.D. Chief of the Department of Psychiatry Kaiser Permanente
  • Dr. Gregory Chew, Delta Dental
  • Angie Kalousek Ebrahimi, Blue Shield of California

Moderator: Karla Rhay, Ed.D, Chief Executive Officer, CSEBA

Areas of Interest: Healthcare, General Interest, Human Resources

Superbugs: The Roadmap to Employee Safety

Superbugs are fast becoming a worldwide health epidemic, as antibiotics are losing their ability to treat these infections. To date, the main culprit has been overuse of antibiotics—both in the healthcare setting and food industry—which has led to various strains of bacteria becoming impervious to the drugs that could once treat them. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that more than two million people in the U.S. contract superbug infections each year and at least 23,000 cases result in death. With these types of statistics, it’s important to become aware of the superbug risk, how these infections occur, the deadliest strains and how they might impact the health and safety of workers. If left unchecked, the Review on Antimicrobial Resistance reported that superbugs would become deadlier than cancer by 2050, leading to 10 million deaths each year.

At the completion of this session, the attendee will:

  • Learn five ways superbugs could impact your workers’ compensation claims.
  • Understand workplace risks, exposure and treatment.
  • Learn best practices on how to prevent and control these infections including proactive monitoring, preventative guidelines, decontamination protocols, institutional scores and antibiotic stewardship.


  • Kevin Glennon, Vice President of Clinical Programs, One Call Care Management
  • Maria E. Eckart, Divisional Infection Control Specialist, Genesis Healthcare

Moderator: Kevin Glennon, Vice President of Clinical Programs, One Call Care Management

Areas of Interest: Workers’ Compensation, Healthcare, General Interest

Understanding and Optimizing Consumer Choice in Health Plan Elections

Why do employees choose the health plans that they do? How do you design and support a health benefit offering that best suits your unique, diverse population with its range of individual medical needs and preferences? We will discuss the following concepts focusing on a research perspective: Behavioral economics and its application to employee elections, health plan literacy, over-insurance and under-insurance tendencies and associated risks, the role of preferences towards risk, network size, technology, and gatekeeping, the ability to predict choice using statistical models, the ability to influence choice using decision support tools and how an optimally designed and decision-supported plan can reduce overall health plan costs.

At the completion of this session, the attendee will:

  •  Have a better understanding of common employee decision points, preferences, and thought processes when choosing a health plan.
  • Gain insight into how best to support employee choices.
  • Acquire ideas on ways to improve their current benefits design.
  • Learn how plan choice influences both employee satisfaction with their benefits as well as plan costs.

Speaker: Andrew Mackenzie, ASA, MAAA, Actuarial Consultant, Santa Barbara Actuaries

Moderator: Devon Devine, J.D., Consultant, Claremont Partners

Areas of Interest: Finance and Technology, Healthcare, Human Resources

Sixty is the New Twenty – The Multigenerational Workplace in JPAs

In this presentation, three JPA managers — a Boomer, a Gen X and a Millennial — will explore some of the ways different generations look at work. The workshop will touch on motivation, work-life balance, affinity for technology, and change management. Target Audience: JPA Board Members, JPA Administrators, Managers, HR Staff, Professional services providers serving the JPA community

At the completion of this session, attendee will:

  • Learn how to recruit younger employees while keeping experienced employees engaged.
  • Know how to plan for succession.
  • Be able to implementing organizational and technological changes across a wide range of employee experience.


  • Micheon Balmer, ARM, Assistant Director, Pool Administration, Bickmore
  • Jaesa McCulligan, ARM, Assistant Manager, Pool Administration, Bickmore
  • Ric Burwell, CPCU, ARM, Manager, Pool Administration, Bickmore

Moderator: Doug Alliston, Esq., Attorney, Murphy Campbell Alliston Quinn

Areas of Interest: Pool Manager, General Interest, Human Resources

Meaningful Reduction of Opioid Use after Surgery

This presentation will discuss why opioids (narcotics) prescribed after surgery lead to addiction in an alarming number, how non-narcotic alternatives (Ibuprofen and Tylenol) are superior analgesics, Center for Disease Control recommended opioid prescription policies that self-insured groups can insist their provider networks adopt that will greatly reduce the risk of post-surgery opioid addictions to their members, specific examples of surgeons reducing the average number of opioid pills prescribed after surgery by 80% and how application of these policies can reduce costs, decrease disabilities and reduce loss work time for employers.

At the completion of this session, the attendee will:

  • Understand how the opioid crisis occurred.
  • Understand the financial and human resources costs to employers.
  • Dramatically reduced opioid use and resultant addiction because of surgical procedure.


  • Sohrab Gollogy MD, Medical Director, Sitka and Spine Surgeon; Monterey Spine and Joint
  • Tom Wilson, Global One Ventures, Principal; Monterey Peninsula Surgery Center, Managing Director/CEO

Areas of Interest: Healthcare, General


Accident Reconstruction

Accident reconstruction is the scientific analysis of motor vehicle, heavy truck, pedestrian, and mobility equipment collisions. This session will focus on how physical evidence, available electronic data (black box data recorder), and physics-based-analysis of these collisions can help control risk exposure presented before, during, and after litigation. The speakers will define terminology and concepts used in accident reconstruction. Electronic data (black box data recorders) recovered from various types of vehicles will be presented. The attendee will gain the ability to provide a more accurate evaluation of risk exposure to their next case.

At the completion of this session, the attendee will:

  • Understand terminology and analytical techniques to discuss accident reconstruction with your expert witness.
  • Determine if the vehicles involved store electronic data and what that data will reveal about a subject collision.
  • Gain a greater understanding of the tools available to help analyze and resolve risk exposure presented before, during, and after litigation.


  • Edward C. Fatzinger, Jr., Senior Forensic Engineer, Momentum Engineering
  • Jeffrey S. Bonsall, Forensic Engineer, Momentum Engineering

Moderator: Vadim Perlovskiy, Marketing and Business Development Specialist, Momentum Engineering

Areas of Interest: Property & Liability, Loss Control, Legislative, General Interest

How the Hashtag (#) has Changed Sexual Harassment Prevention

Samantha Corbin as part of “We Said Enough” has become a spokesperson providing a voice for women who share their concerns and experiences. She has increased awareness and brought restorative practices into government, education and the workplace. In today’s world awareness leads to texting. Samantha Corbin is working with nationally with recognized thought leaders by marshaling the solidarity needed for changes to make society safer for men and women. Glenn Lipson, as a forensic psychological expert is an advisor to Bridg-It and JPA’s seizing this historic opportunity to shift from exclusively blaming specific individuals in the workplace to a wider recognition of institutional and generational beliefs that foster misconduct. Sexual harassment prevention stemming from this movement will no longer focus entirely on the bad actors but will also aim at providing the tools that enhance attention, increase awareness and support action. Thus, preventing problems before additional harm is caused. Dr. Karla Rhay will facilitate the discussion.

At the completion of this session, the attendee will:

  • Learn the impact of the “me-too” movement in terms of both gender and sexual harassment.
  • Have practical ways to address fears of retaliation will be explored.
  • Understand how the power of web is marshaled for prevention will be demonstrated.


  • Glenn Scott Lipson, Ph.D., A.B.P.P., Clinical and Forensic Psychologist, Making Right Choices
  • Samantha Corbin, Lobbyist, Corbin and Kiaser, We Said Enough

Moderator: Karla Rhay, Ed.D, Chief Executive Officer, CSEBA

Areas of Interest: Legislative, General Interest, Human Resources

More than Training: Injecting Safety into Everyday Operations

Staff training is an important and required part of school safety programs. Effective programs involve more than a standardized approach or a one-time deployment of training courses. In this session, learn how Schools Insurance Group (SIG) implemented targeted and comprehensive safety programs to address specific injury types. It sounds easy, right? Not so much…SIG wanted to do more than just online training, the goal being to increase awareness and create a culture of safety. We all know that a cookie cutter approach won’t work for every school district, and that true success requires customization. This customization requires analysis and careful strategic consideration to manage the process to achieve not only a reduction in claims, but also a change in culture. Through collaboration with an “out-of-the-box thinking” online safety management provider and feedback from members, SIG has implemented a comprehensive targeted training program that has been well-received by district administration and staff. Come learn how the strategic customization process utilized has helped districts inject safety into their everyday operations.

At the completion of this session, the attendee will:

  • Define a comprehensive safety program that is more effective than standardized, one-time staff training.
  • Understand the importance of strategically scheduled training based on seasonal concerns and employee job responsibilities.
  • Learn how the use of continuous reminders about safety practices throughout the year not only raises awareness about safety concerns, but also increases communication and gives employees ownership of their personal safety, resulting in meaningful awareness and changes in behavior.


  • Cindy Wilkerson, Executive Director, Schools Insurance Group
  • Rusty Clark, Superintendent, Pleasant Ridge School District, Schools Insurance Group

Moderator: Tom Strasburger Vice President Strategic Alliances, PublicSchoolWORKS

Areas of Interest: Workers’ Compensation, Loss Control, Property & Liability

We Didn’t Start the Fire: Extinguishing Public Entity Liability After Wildfires (Part 1 of 2)

In 2017-2018, wildfires ravaged California, burning thousands of acres of land and leading to deadly mudslides. Besides causing widespread devastation, these wildfires may ignite lawsuits against public entities. This presentation will discuss potential claims arising out of these catastrophic wildfires, including dangerous condition of public property, nuisance, and inverse condemnation, review applicable defenses, and provide defense strategies and risk management advice so public entities don’t get burned along the way.

At the completion of this session, the attendee will:

  • Understand potential claims and legal causes of action arising out of catastrophic wildfires
  • Have applicable legal defenses.
  • Use defense strategies and risk management advice for handling claims and litigation arising out of catastrophic wildfires.


  • Mark F. Hazelwood, Partner, Allen, Glaessner, Hazelwood & Werth LLP
  • Kimberly Y. Chin, Partner, Allen, Glaessner, Hazelwood & Werth LLP
  • Fire Consultant TBD

Moderator: Kimberly Y. Chin, Partner, Allen, Glaessner, Hazelwood & Werth LLP

Areas of Interest: General Interest, Property & Liability

Planning and Managing the Aftermath of a Disaster: From Wildfires to Active Killers (Part 2 of 2)

California school districts are faced with a myriad of risks throughout the school year. Natural disasters like earthquakes and wildfires are common for most parts of the state and can be devastating to school districts and local communities. Active killer incidents are making the national headlines on a regular basis and are carried out without warning. In this session you will be given planning tools and tabletop exercises to conduct to help you prepare before an event occurs. You will then learn about real life strategies for your employees and students to use during the event along with guidance on what to include in an after-action debrief. Lastly, we will spend time discussing how to manage the financial and social impact once the event is over.

At the completion of this session, the attendee will:

  • Have the necessary emergency preparedness tools.
  • Learn about strategic planning resources.
  • Learn how to manage the financial and social impact of the disaster.


  • Dean Waddell, Senior Consultant, Loss Control, Keenan & Associates
  • Brendan Hayes, Manager, Environmental Safety, Long Beach City College
  • Bill Clayton, Director, Loss Control, Keenan & Associates

Moderator: Kyle McKibbin, Account Executive, Keenan & Associates

Areas of Interest: General Interest, Loss Control, Property & Liability

Sexual Misconduct, Suicide & Bullying: How Schools Can Reduce Risk & Improve Results

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that 67% of all victims of reported sexual abuse are under the age of 18, and more than half are under the age of 12. The CDC also indicates that suicide is the #1 cause of death for 11-14 year olds in America, and that bullying and sexual abuse victims are 2 to 9 times more likely to consider suicide. With sexual abuse, bullying and youth suicide on the rise, today’s students are unquestionably at greater risk than ever before, and the cost to districts and their pools can be formidable. The good news is that we have an underutilized resource in a prime position to do something about these grim statistics. Students see and know things on a school campus that adults don’t and they can intervene in ways that adults can’t. With serious issues such as sexual harassment, bullying and youth suicide on the rise, it makes sense to equip the people who are in the best position to safely intervene when they see the signs of these issues on campus. This presentation highlights methods for reducing the risks and liability associated with sexual misconduct, bullying and suicide on school campuses.

At the completion of this session, the attendee will:

  • Understand the costs and consequences of sexual misconduct and bullying/cyber-bullying, including suicide.
  • Gain a greater understanding of the different types and effects of student aggression.
  • Gain an understanding of how engaging and equipping students can create a safer more inclusive school culture that reduces risk and liability.
  • Understand of the vital role that youth empowerment prevention strategies play in the long term success of a school.


  • Diana Curtin, Executive Director, Community Matters
  • Erica Vogal, Development and Strategic Relations Director, Community Matters

Moderator: Martin Brady, Executive Director, Schools Insurance Authority

Areas of Interest: General Interest, Pool Manager, Loss Control


What You Don’t Know WILL Hurt You! – Or Your Bottom Line

Using an interactive format to navigate issues of injury presumptions, 4850 benefits, industrial disability retirement and real case scenarios will engage the audience in what costs impact their program most. The program highlights the need to coordinate efforts between claims, personnel, Department and retirement representatives. Highlights: This Grab Bag – or Bag of Gold will provide answers with legal authority and strategies for making sure that you know the best answers.

At the completion of this session, the attendee will:

  • Have knowledge of how to navigate issues of injury presumptions, 4850 benefits, and industrial disability retirement.
  • Understand the need to coordinate efforts between claims, personnel, Department and retirement representatives.
  • Learn legal strategies for these issues.

Speaker: Susan Hastings, Partner, Laughlin, Falbo, Levy & Moresi LLP

Moderator: Marc Leibowitz, Partner, Laughlin, Falbo, Levy & Moresi LLP

Areas of Interest: Workers’ Compensation, General Interest, Human Resources

Why Can’t I Share This With My Other Departments? – The Risk of Entanglement between Workers’ Compensation, Risk Management and Human Resources

In this session using real life examples, the speakers will provide guidance on the proper dissemination of information between departments so as to avoid other claims being filed. Examples will include the keeping of personnel file records, use of investigation materials and identification of privileged medical documentation.

At the completion of this session, the attendee will:

  • Have a clear understanding of what basic information may be shared between departments.
  • Have a clear understanding of the risks of not complying with current laws.
  • Have an understanding of tools available to the various departments to ensure compliance with current laws.


  • Marc Leibowitz, Partner, Laughlin, Falbo, Levy & Moresi LLP
  • Robert Cutbirth, Partner, Tucker Ellis

Moderator: Susan Hastings, Partner, Laughlin, Falbo, Levy & Moresi LLP

Areas of Interest: Workers’ Compensation, General Interest, Human Resources

Spin the Wheel – Permanent Disability Edition!! Opinions from Both Sides

Come join us as two experienced and opinionated Workers Compensation attorneys (one defense, one applicant’s) engage in a fun, interactive and informative discussion about current trends and legal strategies affecting permanent disability exposures. Has Almaraz/Guzman become the rule instead of the exception? Do vocational experts still have a place in permanent disability disputes? Are psychological, sex and sleep disorders still alive and kicking? Why are doctors suddenly adding impairments instead of combining? Audience members will spin the wheel to find out, and may even win a prize! The attorneys will discuss their (often differing) perspectives of the law, strategies and trends affecting the bottom-line cost of permanent disability and Workers Compensation cases as a whole. Come join the fun, and the battle of words!

At the completion of this session, the attendee will:

  • Learn the current legal trends and issues affecting permanent disability and, as a result, overall Workers’ Compensation claim costs.
  • Discover the strategies being employed by applicant’s attorneys to increase permanent disability, and defenses to those strategies.
  • Develop your ability to anticipate strong vs weak arguments used to inflate permanent disability, and how to respond accordingly


  • Dana Miller, Esq., Senior Partner, Mullen & Filippi, LLP
  • S. Bradley Chalk, Esq., Attorney, Chalk Law Office

Moderator: Jennet Horder, VP Commercial Lines Manager, USI Insurance Services

Areas of Interest: Workers’ Compensation, Legislative, Loss Control

Investigations in the Age of Geosocial Data

The current growth of geosocial data is changing the face of risk management and investigations in the workplace. Learn what geosocial data is and exactly how this type of information is used to investigate claims of all kinds. Understand how to gain eye-opening insight into accidents, site security, workplace harassment, sexual harassment and any other high exposure incidents, by locating social media photographs, videos, and posts at specific locations and times anywhere in the world. This session utilizes real life case examples to demonstrate the impact of this new technology in the realm of risk management, law and insurance. The session also shows how evidence can be uncovered and leveraged in a variety of scenarios, including in the court of law. Privacy and legal issues, as well as preserving, authenticating and presenting social media and cyber evidence will also be discussed. Attendees will walk away with a better understanding of the best investigative practices required for a successful geosocial investigation and exactly how to add this new information to their wide range of skills.

At the completion of this session, the attendee will:

  • Understand what geosocial data is and how it works from a technological standpoint.
  • Identify specific instances and red flags that determine when and where geosocial data can further an investigation.
  • Understand the legal and privacy implications of using geosocial data in investigations and how to properly preserve, authenticate and present this evidence in court.
  • Experience different case examples to gain knowledge as to how geosocial has helped in the past.


  • Garrett McGinn, Partner, Director-Research & Development, Digistream Investigations
  • Jessica Jorgenson, Managing Partner, Tobin Lucks, LLP

Moderator: Ryan Ceriani, General Manager Central Valley Office, Digistream Investigations

Areas of Interest: Finance and Technology, Workers’ Compensation

Patient-Centric Healthcare in Demand & On Demand

As patient-centric technology becomes more mainstream, injured workers demand real-time connections to care, improved patient engagement and quicker outcomes. We will discuss the changing landscape for medical language services, doctor consultations and transportation in workers’ compensation. This session will offer live demonstrations including patients receiving on demand transportation to their appointments with insight into the level of transparency and safety available with this type of technology.

At the completion of this session, the attendee will:

  • Understand the risks and challenges associated with offering these technologies to the workforce.
  • Learn how patient-centric technology can be utilized in workers’ compensation.
  • Identify how these technologies can streamline medical management in workers’ compensation.

Speaker: Linda Cosen, Vice President and National Product Leader, One Call Care Management

Moderator: TBD

Areas of Interest: Workers’ Compensation, Healthcare


Financial Analytics for Pools- and what they really can do for your pool

Selecting relevant financial ratios to plan and implement financial success.

At the completion of this session, the attendee will:

  • Selecting relevant benchmarks can give powerful tools to CEO’s, Board Members and staff to meet financial goals.
  • Incorporating ratios to plan and prepare for financial success.
  • Session with active scenarios to show the value of implementing ratios.
  • Results to highlight metrics to inform both Board and Staff about the financial strengths and weakness of the pool.


  • Dan Steele, Lead Accountant, ACWA-JPIA
  • Dianna Sutton, Finance Manager, ACWA-JPIA

Moderator: Ken Hearnsberger, Finance Manager, North Bay Schools Insurance Authority

Areas of Interest: Finance, Leadership

The Captive: Structure and Preliminary Experience

Captive investment pools are a becoming a more important tool in this era of low interest rates among our traditional investment options. Several JPAs have begun using captive investment pools to expand available investment opportunities. Come see what has been done and the kinds of results these JPAs have experienced.

At the completion of this session, the attendee will:

  • Understand the organization and management of captive investment pools.
  • See the range of investments available through captives.
  • Learn about the regulatory and legal status of captives.
  • Understand Investment performance as experienced so far.


  • Ken Schiebel, CFA, Managing Director, Portfolio Strategies Group, PFM Asset Management
  • Carlos Oblites, Portfolio Strategist, Chandler Asset Management
  • Mike Fleming, Chief Executive Officer, CSAC-EIA

Moderator: Puneet Behl, Chief Financial Officer, CSAC-EIA

Areas of Interest: JPA investments, JPA Governance

Harmonizing Finance and Technology to Maximize Efficiency

This panel will discuss efficiencies from their JPA experience where they are using power of technology to create efficiencies in Finance. There will be roundtable discussion to get more ideas and problems that those JPA members are facing.

At the completion of this session, the attendee will:

  • Be able to create efficiencies within finance department.
  • Learn about best practices among JPA’s.
  • Hear about emerging issues with the abundant availability of software programs.


  • Ken Hearnsberger, Finance Manager, NBSIA
  • Heather Thompson, Chief Financial Officer, SDRM
  • Lam Le, Financial Analyst, CJPI
  • Ritesh Sharma, Finance Manager, Bickmore
  • Puneet Behl, Chief Financial Officer, CSAC-EIA

Moderator: Ken Hearnsberger, Finance Manager, NBSIA

Areas of Interest: JPA Governance, Finance, Technology

The Peculiar Character of Fraud in Pools: Internal Fraud, Vulnerable clients and Conspiracies

Much of the written literature about fraud comes from the for-profit business world. Pools are a different. This session will explore those differences looking at how internal fraud happens, the risk to our clients who are particularly vulnerable to identity theft, and how major fraud conspiracies like the Christopher King case develop.

At the completion of this session, the attendee will:

  • Understand the role of internal control in preventing fraud.
  • Review scenarios that lead to client identity theft and how we might help prevent that.
  • Learn the red flags that might help prevent major fraud conspiracies from developing.


  • Ken Hearnsberger, Finance Manager, NBSIA
  • TBD

Moderator: TBD

Areas of Interest: JPA Governance, Finance, Technology

Actuarial Reports: Fun with Numbers!

The actuarial report is a great tool for the risk manager in quantifying costs and identifying trends. This session will explain the results of a typical actuarial report, including outstanding liabilities for completing financial statements and projected program costs for budgeting purposes. The concepts of data quality, loss development, ultimate losses, reserves, discounting, and confidence levels will all be addressed. We will also discuss how to interpret trends in frequency, severity, and loss rates. All these “exciting” concepts will be explored in plain and simple English and with some “actuarial entertainment” along the way!

At the completion of this session, the attendee will:

  • • Develop an understanding of the key results of an actuarial report.

    • Identify trends in historical data and results.

    • Apply actuarial concepts to assist in evaluating the performance of the risk management program.


Mike Harrington, FCAS, MAAA, President, Actuarial Consulting, Bickmore

Darci Eby-Koelling, FSA, MAAA, Vice President, Aon

Moderator: Nina Gau, FCAS, MAAA, Director, Property & Casualty Actuarial Services, Bickmore

Areas of Interest: Finance and Technology, General Interest, Loss Control

Cost Allocation 101

This session will cover many aspects of cost allocation, which will be helpful to beginners as well as those who are very experienced in allocating costs: What is cost allocation? Key considerations in plan design, the typical parameters of a cost allocation plan, Responsiveness vs. Stability in parameter selection, using experience modification factors vs. percentage allocations, minimizing swings in annual premiums, making changes to an existing plan and explaining annual changes.

At the completion of this session, the attendee will:

  • Understand the key considerations in designing or updating a cost allocation plan.
  • Be enabled to allocate premiums in such a way that is fair and equitable to all departments/members.
  • Use their allocation plan to encourage loss control by departments/members.

Speaker: Mike Harrington, FCAS, MAAA, President, Actuarial Consulting, Bickmore

Moderator: Nina Gau, FCAS, MAAA, Director, Property & Casualty Actuarial Services, Bickmore

Areas of Interest: Finance and Technology, General Interest, Loss Control

Data Hygiene: Cleaning, Scrubbing, and Preparing Your Data for Effective Decision Making

JPAs continue to evolve as a way for public entities to address an ever-changing landscape of new and frightening exposures. This evolution includes not only maximizing pools’ effectiveness in providing new insurance, risk-financing, and risk management service solutions, but also utilizing cutting-edge data analytics to identify the most critical exposures and develop plans to address these areas. Unfortunately the whole process and productive use of data analytics often stalls as a result of insufficient data, data in different formats, ‘bad’, inaccurate, or incomplete data or simple as a result of poor planning.

At the completion of this session, the attendee will:

  • Have an overview of the basic concepts of data analytics as they specifically apply to pooling.
  • Learn how to define project goals and objectives.
  • Understand how to get their organization’s data in order.


  • Jon Paulsen, MBA, CRIS, Director, Consulting & Client Engagement, Bickmore
  • Mark Priven, FCAS, MAAA, Director, Specialty Actuarial, Bickmore
  • Dave George, TITLE, Schools Excess Liability Fund

Areas of Interest: General Interest, Loss Control