
Call for Sessions

The CAJPA Professional Development Committee is requesting potential sessions for the 2021 CAJPA Fall Conference. At this time, we do not know if this event will be in person, hybrid or fully virtual, so speakers should be prepared to present in any of the above formats.

The PD Committee has identified the following categories that are of interest to our members, so please limit submissions to these:

  • Work Comp
  • Training
  • Loss Control and Risk Management
  • Employee Benefits
  • Hot Topics/Other

In order for the Professional Development Committee to thoughtfully review all of the sessions, please include the following information with your submission:

  • Select one primary audience category
  • Suggested Title
  • Potential Speaker(s)
  • Main contact should the PD Committee need additional information
  • Session description in less than 75 words

The submission deadline is March 19, 2021. For questions, please contact Abi Hague at staff@cajpa.org.